Strategies e-store owners use to attract new customers don’t differ much from ordinary website owners. They invest in link building, improve their content and publish features to raise interest in their work. All these actions are safe lanes to the increased online visibility. However, what differentiates E-commerce traders from other websites are their conversion tactics. If they fail to convert their visitors into engaged shoppers, they’ll fail in reaching their sales goals. The following article provides you with a list of useful tactics for that matter.
Wisely positioned cart
Cart solutions differ from platform to platform. However, a cart is usually incorporated in every product exhibit with the well-known “Add to the cart” option. What could be problematic here is the position of the cart.
For instance, if the cart is placed in any of the corners of a webpage, shoppers might not be able to see it at first. If we know that speed is money in E-commerce, they might simply abandon the website and the purchase if they don’t spot the cart in the first couple of seconds.
The simple solution for this problem is placing the cart at the central position of the page, i.e. at the same level with visitors’ eyes. It will ensure that most of them notice it, what ultimately leads to higher conversion rates.
Omnipresent signup form
Consumer behavior on your E-commerce website is hardly predictable. Nevertheless, aside from attracting visitors to buy products from your website, you must aim at turning them into loyal customers. To achieve that, it’s vital to make visitors register to the website, and an omnipresent signup form can help you achieve that objective.
Furthermore, add a simple email signup form to every product page on your website. You should test several positions on the page to see where it would make the greatest impact on buyers.
Still, be careful with popup windows, so go for an integrated registration form. Many users find popups too brusque and aggressive. However, exit popup forms have proven to be pretty successful in keeping visitors on websites. Again, test them first to see if they work for your audience and then focus on making the next step.
Customers are best marketers
Satisfied customers certainly have something positive to say about your e-store. Yet, they can’t speak their mind if they’re not given a chance to do it. Because of that, encourage them to share their experiences with your brand on every single internet platform you own. Also, avoid any sort of censure, meaning you should allow negative feedback, as well. Getting reviews from customers is the most reliable way for occasional visitors to convert into loyal buyers on your E-commerce website.
What’s more, by making your clients the best marketers of your brand, you’ll save a lot on your marketing budget.
Integration with social media
Business can hardly be conducted these days without social media. Its power and marketing potential is enormous, so social media can actually put a few extra cents into your pocket with no or minimum investments, as well.
First of all, you need to launch business pages on several social media platforms, with slightly different goals you wish to achieve. That way, your Facebook business page will be an extension of your e-store; the Twitter account should be used for following current affairs in the niche, as well as for announcing new products; finally, your Google+ account will serve as an additional online shop window, as there are numerous business benefits of Google Collections.
Also, make sure your website is connected with all your social media accounts. Enable Facebook users to leave comments on your website and your blog. Apart from that, use Facebook advertising to build hype around your e-store and generate new leads on this network.
E-commerce is rising so fast that its total global revenues will increase from $1.9 trillion in 2016 to 4.5 trillion U.S. dollars by 2020. Such a rapid upsurge creates a lot of space for lucrative business deals. Note that the number of online shoppers is growing, as well. Therefore, it’s crucial that E-commerce business owners increase their conversion rates with smart tactics, so as to ensure a safe place in the dynamic global market.