Learn Why the E-Scooter is the New Savvy Mode of Urban Transport

GenZe 2.0

The mere fact that I am writing an article for a global audience from a computer is a testament to some of the technological leaps made within this remarkable period. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg, we’ve made strides in medicine, communications, aeronautics, engineering, energy, transportation, you name it.

As with all things imaginable, there are advantages and pitfalls associated with progress. As the world has gets richer and the standard of living of people continues to rise coupled with drops in the prices of vehicles, it’s no wonder that city dwellers can’t seem to get to their destinations on time.

Traffic congestion has become an inescapable reality, one that seems to be plaguing all metropolitan areas around the world.

As income levels rise, the number of cars on the street seems to be multiplying faster than bunnies. Correct me if I am wrong, but, it does feel a bit ludicrous doesn’t it. All the while, physical space simply isn’t growing fast enough to keep pace with it.

Rise of the Electric Vehicle

The technological advancements in the storage of electrical energy have literally opened a Pandora’s Box of opportunities/problems. The problem of how to electrify everything we’re created so far. We’re a funny bunch aren’t we?

Needless to say, we now have electric vehicles which have far greater implications for our future than just congestion but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Recently we’ve noticed a new trend, an exciting trend of electric vehicles zipping through the hellish streets of major urban centers. And, it makes absolute sense. Not only is it economical, but it instantly solves most of our issues of mobility and traffic congestion.

This amazing new trend isn’t merely exclusive to some parts of the world; rather, it’s a globalized trend that seems to transcend the general boundaries of culture. It’s a truly transformative trend, one that certainly has the potential to shape our views on urban transport and the way our cities look in the future.

The Technological Implications

In the most basic of terms, e-scooters are a hybrid between a bicycle and a motorcycle. As the name suggests, they are powered by electricity and are connected to lithium ion batteries or nickel-cadmium batteries, the same technology fueling the greater revolution in electric vehicles. These new e-scooters for daily use are chargeable and as the adoption of electric vehicles grows the number of charging stations are also proliferating.

Now, e-scooters may not be power enough for long-distance commuting or travelling on the highways, but then again, they weren’t exactly meant for such purposes is the first place. These vehicles help to cut down on the costs of transportation and help clear up the congested roads and radically cut our time spent on the roads. What more could we possibly want?

Some of the Popular E-Scooters

Razor E-300

Razor could be considered as the original pioneer for this specific style of scooters. The E-300 is their biggest adult-oriented scooter is their basic E-range. Although, they have a wide range of collection for both kids and adults, the E-300 deserved a mention for its role in this particular mode of transportation

The E-300 is ideal for short distance commutes. It’s barely weighs 220 lbs., goes up to 15 MHP and can travel for 40 minutes at a time. It’s clearly not the ideal product for serious commuting but a wonderful product none the less.

GenZe 2.0

The GenZe 2.0 is a far more serious machine. Unlike, the previous scooter, GenZe 2.0 is far more powerful and capable of going up to much greater speeds, but is electronically capped by the manufacturers at a speed of 30 MPH due to regulatory requirements. It boasts a range of 30 miles and is fully rechargeable within a mere 3 hours.

It offers quite a bit of cargo room for practical purposes and comes with a sophisticated operating system, which can be linked to a smart phone using its app. The e-scooter is available for around $3,000, which is anything but cheap, but absolutely worth every penny.

GigaByke Groove 750w

Gigabyke Groove is another practical e-scooter that’s indicative of how quickly the mode of transportation is advancing. Priced at around $1,400, it’s cheaper than the GenZe but no less in terms of utility.

It offers a top speed of around 20 MPH but an astounding range of 35 miles. Interestingly, the scooter also has a pair of backup peddles should you run out of battery. Its batteries take only six hours to fully charge and an excellent choice for sub-urban commuting.

Well, there you have it, some of the more popular e-scooters you’ll be seeing in increasing numbers as more people opt of convenience over the waste of space we fondly call SUVs. If you’ve been thinking of getting one of these, yourself, feel free to comment below with any questions or stories you might have. We would love to hear from you.

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By Billy Smith

Billy Smith is a writer, fitness junkie, trekker, hiker, tech geek and adventurer extraordinaire. Having worked in the IT field for over 10 years, Billy now spends a lot of his time writing to inspire people to adopt a healthy lifestyle and to use technology responsibly. As the founder of Checkcorner.com, it is Billy’s endeavor to provide people with the best information and tools to transform their lives.

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