Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus price, specifications, features Explained

Recently in India, Xiaomi launched there latest devices Redmi 5A which is also known to be a Desh ka Smartphone. The device is amazingly priced at Rs. 4,999. But unfortunately, they are just dumping their old stuff in the Indian market. A few days back they launched Xiaomi Redmi 5 and Redmi 5 Plus with… Continue reading Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus price, specifications, features Explained

Why Should Brands in the Food & Packaging Industries Invest into Metal Detection?

A relatively newer method in the history of food safety and standard control is metal detectors. Becoming increasingly popular in comparison to X-ray processes, metal detectors in the food industry make for efficient, highly effective, and more economical machinery. If your company has been thinking about switching over, here’s why brands in the food and… Continue reading Why Should Brands in the Food & Packaging Industries Invest into Metal Detection?

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How the Internet Helped Retail Environments to Evolve

In the not so distant past, people made a distinction between the digital world of e-commerce and the brick-and-mortar world of retail stores. The line that divided the online and the offline was clearly delineated, allowing businesses to determine their goals and design their strategies based on the normative expectations that surrounded these two very… Continue reading How the Internet Helped Retail Environments to Evolve

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SJCAM Preparing For New SJ8 Pro With a Sony IMX 377 Sensor

via poshgadgets

We all love to take photos and capturing photos while traveling is not just about clicking the random pictures but saving that moment of your life in your little camera which can be sharable by any one at any time. To enchance the experience of your life, a well known Chinese manufacturer SJCAM always give… Continue reading SJCAM Preparing For New SJ8 Pro With a Sony IMX 377 Sensor

Elari NanoPhone C review: This is the world’s smallest phone that everyone need!

This is 21st century which is the era of smartphones and gadgets. Gadgets which are going to help each and every individual in completing there work at rapid pace. Today we don’t have to remember anything we have smartphones for that. So, in this era when again Nokia came up in the market with Nokia… Continue reading Elari NanoPhone C review: This is the world’s smallest phone that everyone need!

Switching From Android To iOS? 5 Things You Must Know

If you have been an Android user and made up your mind to switch to iOS, then relax my friend you haven’t committed a sin, in fact, you have taken a smart decision. But, if you have been an Android user for quite a while now to accumulate a healthy amount of apps, videos, contacts,… Continue reading Switching From Android To iOS? 5 Things You Must Know