Are you in charge of a small business that is strapped for cash? Not sure that spending time trying to advertise your new company is going to get you anywhere? Well don’t be so hesitant, here’s why investing that time and money is crucial for every business, especially SME’s.
There’s a bunch of ‘free’ ways that you can begin to market your business. From sending outreach emails & tweets to commenting on online forums, all of these techniques don’t cost you a penny. Or do they? As a small business owner, you’ll know more than anyone that time is money. Can you afford to burn away the hours on marketing if you’re not seeing a direct return?
It can be tough to part with any of your own money if you’re not sure of the results it will bring but that £500 you spend on PPC may return a £1,000 profit or it could return £0. Worth taking the risk?
To get results from marketing in 2018 you should be: obsessed with driving new leads and converting them to the best of your ability and focused on your ideal customer & sculpting your business around them. And while technology is fast-paced, traditional strategies such as experiential marketing and telemarketing are still effective and can provide you with greater leads when mixed with digital marketing.
It may seem like common sense but business owners can often lose focus when blinkered by other pressures. However, do not ignore marketing as potential stream of huge revenue as, when done correctly, it can:
Add believability to your message – Whatever industry you’re in, it can’t be denied that if you’re brand is plastered across various relevant websites, top of the Google results pages for it’s keywords & active on social media, customers start to believe your message. It adds authority and trust and potential customers become more likely to engage with you.
Be the main medium you can control – Need to push sales at a crucial period of seasonal trend for your business’ industry? Then raise that AdWords budget! Need to pause all online activity due to an overflow of leads and not enough staff to help convert them? Pause your Twitter ads right there, right now!
Enhance everything else you’re doing – We often call it the ‘Halo effect’. To get the most out of Digital Marketing you want to be active on Social Media, show customers who have previously visited your site remarketing ads across the web, show them ads on YouTube videos and create helpful content that will further reinforce your market leading insight.
Allow you to target the ideal customer – The targeting options on some of the most powerful Digital Marketing platforms such as AdWords, Facebook, LinkedIn & more have become even more detailed than ever meaning that you can hit the ideal customer, at the right time of day, on the right website and make sure that you show them the perfect product or service that they’ll desire.