HomeUncategorized6 App Monetization Trends: How To Make Money With The App?

6 App Monetization Trends: How To Make Money With The App?

The increasing popularity of the Mobile apps has also influenced the way, these apps are making money. Earlier the mobile apps did not offer in-app purchases but the trends have changed over the years. According to the stats, around 31% of the total revenue that an app earns is from in-app purchases. In 2011, when Android and iOS were still quite young, the revenue came from the upfront charge that the users paid for the app. In 2015, paid apps accounted for around 59% of the revenue. The change in the trend is quite obvious.

Going by the statistics, the number of mobile apps on Google’s Play Store has grown to 1.7 million and 1.5 million on Apple’s App store. It points out articulately that there is a very tough competition in the app market and monetizing the mobile app is proving to be one of the toughest challenges for any developer.

Moreover, the revenue share among the different models differs among the mobile operating systems. For instance, for the Android platform, 26% of the apps rely on pay per download model, 30% earn revenue from advertisements and only 19% of the apps earn by offering in-app purchases. The figure is different for iOS platform and the maximum percentage of apps, 36% are paid ones and 35% of the apps generate revenue by offering in-app purchases. These trends are important for the developers to be aware of in order to help them select the best revenue model for their apps.

6 Trends Of App Monetization To Keep In Mind

In-app Purchase will the major source of revenue for mobile apps

The in-app purchases have emerged as the most popular form of app monetization over the few years. It is believed that the number of apps offering in-app purchases to generate revenue will increase up to 59% as opposed to 35% now. The trend of in-app purchase mostly used in the games is also making headways in the apps.

Freemium apps will be the most popular app models

The freemium app model is being embraced by most of the developers as they prove to be the more profitable and better for the prospects of the apps across all major mobile operating systems. The number of apps that are being developed on a freemium model is increasing by a whopping 200%.

There will be 1.7 times increase in in-app advertisement

Advertisements have always been one of the most reliable sources of revenue generation by the mobile apps. If the app is popular, there is almost a certainty of revenue being earned through the ads. The increase in the share of in-app advertisements is touted to be around 1.7 times of the current share.

Specific implementation of in-app purchases in apps

In-app purchases are different for different apps. For instance, WhatsApp sells time through in-app purchase while Evernote sells functionalities. The trend to offer a specific dimension of the app on sale through in-app purchases will be seen more clearly in the future.

User experience will directly affect monetization

User experience has become the most important aspect of an app already and will now affect the potential of the app to generate revenue. Many apps will be able to offer a better UX as an in-app purchase. This is how user experience will impact the monetization.

App monetization model will be affected by the target audience

When an app offers in-app purchase or shows ads, the revenue generation is maximum when the users respond to them. Targeted in-app purchases and mobile advertisements will be high on the list of developers. This would ensure more clicks and increased purchases leading to enhanced revenue.

Summing Up

Every app is built with the primary motive to make money. Developing a great app that is not able to generate good revenue will not be counted as a wise business proposition. The 6 trends discussed in the post are well-researched and tested on mobile apps with good results. You can also implement them while developing your app and reap the benefits of enhanced revenue from the app.

Ashni Sharma
Ashni Sharmahttps://www.appschopper.com/
Ashni Sharma is a senior app developer working at AppsChopper, a well-known app development firm based in the US. Apart from building groundbreaking mobile apps for several platforms, Ashni loves to write about different aspects of the mobile app industry and shares her insight about how to build successful apps.

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  1. Hi Ashni great article thanks for sharing it, As you said every app is built with the primary motive to make money and these points are valuable for makings money by apps. By 2018, spending on mobile in-app advertising within the 10 key countries measured (US, Japan, UK, Asian country, Brazil, India, Canada, Russia, France, and Germany) are bigger than spending on on-line search advertising, today’s.

  2. Good Article….! Now A Days every app is made for the propose of make money. The increasing quality of the Mobile apps has additionally influenced the method, these apps creating cash. Earlier the mobile apps failed to supply in-app purchases however the trends have modified over the years.These Points necessary for the developers to bear in mind of so as to assist them choose the simplest revenue model for his or her apps.


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