Finally, the costliest and the coolest over-ear headphones by Apple are launched in India. The AirPods Max wireless headphones feature a digital crown, similar to the one on Apple Watch, for precise volume control and these pair of headphones comes with ANC, transparency mode, and spatial audio.
Best Features of AirPods Max
- These headphones are contended to deliver high-fidelity audio.
- The headphones are covered with a breathable knit mesh canopy, to fit a wide range of head sizes.
- The ear cups of the AirPods Max have an “acoustically optimised” net that surrounds the magnetically attached cushions.
- Airpods Max comes with a custom 40 mm dynamic drivers from Apple and its proprietary H1 chip.
- The headphones feature a total of 9 nine microphones, eight of which also assist the Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) function to block noise from all directions.
- Airpods Max sports a single-button press Transparency mode.
- The wireless headphones connect using Bluetooth v5.
- AirPods Max have a digital crown on top of the right ear cup to play/ pause/ skip tracks, activate Siri, and, most importantly, control volume with precision.
- AirPods Max claim to deliver up to 20 hours of listening time on a single charge with ANC enabled.
- AirPods Max have visual and position sensors. These sensors can detect when the pair is removed from ears or when one ear cup is lifted to pause the sound.
AirPods Max Price and Availability
The AirPods Max are listed on the Apple India Store for Rs. 59,900/-
You can purchase them directly from the store on or after 15th of December. These are available in 5 different colours: Pink, Green, Blue, Space Grey, and Silver.