As your website grows, the demands on your hosting plan become too big for shared hosting. If you have loads of traffic, maybe it is time to give your website a more powerful hosting with additional protection. If your business is bringing in good money, it deserves an upgrade.
What is a Virtual Private Server?
Hosting companies have several thousands of servers in their network. To maximize its utilization, companies may run several instances of virtual servers on their physical servers. So, each physical server could be home to one or ten or a hundred virtual servers. Each virtual server could have a different operating system and configuration, depending on the needs of the client.
Though multiple virtual servers exist on the same machine, they will not have any effect on each other’s function. Each virtual server is private and thus all the data they hold is secure from other sites and software located on the same hardware.
Why use VPS Hosting?
 VPS hosting fills a big gap that exists between shared hosting and dedicated servers. Shared hosting is one of the cheapest options for WordPress hosting. But as the site grows, it will need more resources. For example, when you have 10,000 visitors on the site at the same time, the bandwidth provided by your shared hosting plan will not be enough.
Dedicated servers are quite expensive since the hosting company has to reserve an entire server for one business. And let’s face it, your site is still not ready to get such a major update, based on your traffic and other requirements. Figure out the baseline requirements of your site and get the hosting that meets those demands. Apart from the bandwidth, you also need to consider the amount of RAM needed to ensure all the apps on your site function as expected.
For most small businesses, VPS Hosting offered by companies like GreenGeeks is sufficient to meet their day-to-day needs. And since the Hosting provider manages the servers, you need not worry about hiring dedicated staff to run it.
Advantages of VPS hosting over Shared Hosting.
VPS hosting guarantees a more reliable chunk of shared space for your sites. So even when there are other VP servers on the same hardware, you have a minimum performance guarantee. This would not be the case with shared hosting. If one site gets a lot of traffic and takes a toll on the server, your site may also get affected. When you share space, you also share the load.
A VPS instance has better security than a shared host. Even if one VPS instance goes down because of a malware attack, your instance will be safe, since it is logically ‘air-gapped’ from all other instances.
You have better control over the software running on a VPS than in case of a shared hosting service. This allows you better control over how resources are utilized.