Snooze, as the name suggests; is something like an alert or a reminder that is given for the accomplishment of a specific purpose. The same applies with Google email account inbox where a reminder makes the user aware of the message by taking the message out of the inbox in the form of a popup at the time of snooze. Once, users check the reminder or snooze, the same email goes back to the exact location in the inbox; where it was placed. Snooze or reminders are set on a temporary basis to remove the messages from your inbox on a temporary basis to gain the user’s attention. It can come back to the top of the inbox as per the requirement of the user. The snoozed items can be seen any time in the category ‘Snoozed’ shown on the menu with three line icon.
There are certain options to set the Snooze in Gmail account:
- Snooze until Suggested Time: Snoozing the notifications accumulated in Email inbox message that contains date and time, will provide the option to the user to get the alert or notification through snooze at a suggested time on a specific date such as a date on which concert is organized or package will arrive. Details are automatically derived from information in the email messages stored in the inbox.
- Snooze till specific time: Once the snooze is selected, certain ways are available to snooze to a certain time and date until a user turn-off the snooze.
- Today, tomorrow, this week, this weekend or next week are the quick default options available to set snooze till specific time period and date.
- How to pick date and time: Choose the date and then the specific time. As per the time is concerned, choose the preset time options in which Custom or Silent is available.
- At last, choose the custom time you recently used to set another snooze or reminder for another email to arrive from specific email or reminder.
- Default snooze times can be modified by navigating to the settings option and change it to morning, afternoon or evening.
- Modifications in Weekend. In many countries like USA and Canada, weekend generally means Saturday and Sunday and in other countries, it’s something other than this. In order to avoid those complexities, days of the week can be changed and marked as weekends. If you are not able to do so, then nothing to worry as Google; by default, can set your weekends with the country specified.
- Snooze Until Someday: For some message or emails regarding which you as a user, are not sure about what to do with them, can get the best fit in the option ‘Snooze until someday’ and later, can take a decision regarding what to do with them. Every bit of detail can be seen in the someday list by navigating through the Menu and then select Snoozed. The someday section can be seen at the bottom that needs to be selected for those specific messages which have to read again for taking further actions. The email or reminder will stay in snoozed option until you take a specific action or move it to your inbox.
- Snooze until you arrive at a place: The snooze can be set for message and reminders to come out of the inbox in the form of pop-up until a user is at the destined place such as home or work, where he/she can check the messages in the top of the inbox as well as get notifications on the mobile even if alerts are turned off.
Here are the steps to set a snooze for the particular email; until you arrive at a place:
- Open an email message from the inbox or a reminder set in the calendar and then click snooze.
- Now click or tap on pick place
- When the section is displayed to pick a place or to enter a new address, choose the options amongst home, work or new address.
- Add a Reminder to an Email Before Snoozing: Before you start snoozing an email for a specific date or some day later, then add a note or reminder alongside what to be done with this email. This can be done by following an appropriate procedure.
- Open a specific email from the list being reflected in the inbox.
- Click or Tap on pin
- Type where it says “remember to……” on the top of the email
- Click or Tap on Save
- Now again Tap on Snooze and select the option
- Create A Repeating Reminder: If there is something, you need to do on a regular basis, there is a regular snooze or a reminder that can be created at your will, which keeps on repeating until you disable the same. Here are the steps that you need to perform for creating a repeating reminder.
- Open inbox and go to create option by clicking or tapping on the icon.
- Then click or tap on the reminder.
- Now type the text what action has to be taken upon reading the email message.
- Then type in your reminder.
- Then again, click or Tap on snooze option.
- Now select the option, pick the date and time.
- Now choose the first day of your reminder and then choose the time
- Once it is done, tap or clicks on the option “Does Not Repeat” and choose the one option among items in the sub-menu.
- Again, click or tap on the reminder button to save the settings.
The snooze icon will only be reflected in your web browser if you are using an upgraded version of Banana tag for Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. The shiny snooze button will appear above each message you receive in the inbox. It’s just a matter of click and you will find preset times for sending a reminder about specific email. In case, you are one amongst those users facing issue while creating a snooze, Gmail helpdesk services can be availed anytime; dialing Google email toll-free number for quick communication with certified experts to get the instant help of any kind.