At the Google for India event today, Google has announced Indic language support for Google Lens and Bolo App users. All the Google Lens users will be excited to know that Google lens can now translate text in Tamil, Telugu, and Marathi and Bolo has added the support for Bangla, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu. Â Bolo app has helped 800,000 young Indians to read stories more than three million times and speak half a billion words till now, and by partnering with other publishers, it wishes to help young Indians more.
What is new?
- Users can now use these different languages support to translate and read out loud
- Bolo App team has expanded its content resources by partnering with publishers like Chotta Bheem and Katha Kids.
New in Google Lens
- Google has added support for three languages which include Tamil, Telugu, and Marathi.
- Users can now search for information, ask questions, and translate text by pointing their phone’s camera at posters, signs, books, or pamphlets.
- Google Lens is updated to translate the text in the same font, font size, and color to reduce the user’s effort and make it a more seamless and provide pleasing experience to the users.
- For the users who are not able to read, the Google Lens will now also read the content aloud.
Bolo App
- Bolo app has added support for five languages which include Bangla, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
- Bolo App is a reading tutor app that aims to provide support to the rural kids. To expand the content pool, bolo app has now partnered with publishers like Chotta Bheem and Katha Kids.