The Ministry of Housing and Urban affairs along with Google has launched the Loo Campaign with the name #LooCampaign in September 2018. The collaboration with Google was done to encourage all local guides in India to rate and review public toilets on Google Maps. Google has recently added the data of more than 45,000 community and public toilets to help the people to locate public toilets in their areas on Google maps, Google search and the Assistant.
Women and senior citizens often face difficulty while locating a clean toilet in a public place. The ‘Public toilets near Me’ feature will benefit citizens to locate clean toilets near them. A sum of a total of 500+ cities in India with more than 30,000 toilets under the name of ‘SBM Toilet’ is currently live on Google Maps.
The “Loo Review” Campaign was launched under the aegis of Swachh Bharat Mission- Urban (SBM-U). Its main objective is to provide sanitation coverage for achieving Open Defecation Free (ODF) status all over in India.
Chetan Krishnaswamy, said “Google is a committed partner in achieving the Government’s vision of a Swachh Bharat. ‘Public toilets near me’ is a feature that is supported across Google Maps, Search and the Assistant. In close partnership with the MoHUA, we have mapped toilets across 500 cities in India in the last year alone. Through the #LooReview campaign we are engaging our enthusiastic Local Guides community in India to further increase the awareness on public toilets in the country, and help citizens discover clean and well-maintained options in their vicinity.”