HomeNews & UpdatesHow To Setup React Native Development Company

How To Setup React Native Development Company

Welcome to the world of IT! Over the years, cross-platform mobile development has earned a reputation as one of the most popular areas of software development. The cross-platform approach allows you to create applications for different platforms with a single codebase, which saves time, money and unnecessary effort.

React Native Development Company

React Native Development Company

This is exactly the task that the React Native technology, on which your future IT company will specialize, copes. As you can understand, such a business is very promising in our time, because every day more than 800 thousand people who use mobile devices join the global online community.

In this article which is called ‘How To Setup React Native Development Company’, you will read about the main steps in creating a successful company, as well as some of the risks in this process. Let’s start from the beginning!

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We are spending more time on the Internet than ever before. Almost everyone has access to a smartphone or tablet. Given that the average user spends almost 7 hours a day on the web, it’s no surprise that more than half of this traffic comes from mobile devices. This, in turn, pushes the mobile app market to grow.

Applications are popular not only among modern internet users but also profitable enough for their owners. If we tie these two factors together, we can conclude that almost any business development strategy can involve building an application. The largest platforms are Android and iOS, which together account for about 99% of the total market share of mobile operating systems.

Therefore, the smart entrepreneur will take into account the fact that in his business plan he will focus on the development of cross-platform applications using React Native that will work on both platforms. This mobile development provides a near-native experience with a visualization interface using native controls.

In business, the TTM (time-to-market) metric often plays a decisive role. Being ahead and implementing new features into your product faster than competitors on both platforms at once is something that every leading company thinks about from the very beginning. Cross-platform frameworks (in our case, this is React Native) allow you to achieve this and, as an obvious bonus, get a reduction in development costs at every stage.

Well, we found out that the creation of React Native development company is quite a promising business plan. Therefore, let’s move on to the steps of creating such a company. If you’ve already imagined yourself as the boss of a large corporation, then the first year you will most likely have to work alone.

Lack of money and entrepreneurial experience at the start are two of the main reasons why you don’t need to hire people straight away. First, learn to sell your services on a freelance, find your first regular customers and after your profit starts to exceed $ 10,000- $ 15,000 in three months, start thinking about expanding your headquarters.

To begin with, you must have at least one order that will provide you with at least 30 hours of work per week, the fact is that the search for the first large client can take several months. To look for the first customers, you need to have good knowledge in the field of development and the ability to do something better than the bulk of people from the market.

The basic things that should be done right away are to make a list of services where you can find clients and create profiles there with resumes, project examples and descriptions of your services (that is, development using React Native). You can start at Upwork or Clutch – despite the high competition, you can get large orders and good recommendations there.

You can offer your services in the chats of directors of IT companies or through the HR departments of large outsourcers. You will also need to create at least a basic landing page with a description of the company and check that it is indexed in Google. Even at the start, you can do outstaffing – share your developers with other companies and get your percentage from this.

It is even more profitable than outsourcing – it is almost impossible for a start-up company to take on a full-cycle development contract for implementation. As I wrote in the beginning, you should only hire people after you have received a stable income for several months and you already have several regular clients. Only then you can expand your staff.

The first ten employees should be developers, after that, you can take one designer and possibly a tester. After 20 people, you can take a person to the HR department and a separate salesperson. Finding employees is a separate issue. Get ready for the fact that at first, you will have to hire exclusively junior developers who have not really worked anywhere else.

The biggest problem for start-up IT companies is the lack of proper communication with the client. Developers can respond to client requests somehow and after a day, without warning to break deadlines and not report on the progress of the project. This is a very bad approach to the client.

If the client is satisfied with your services, then you can earn tens of times more than you originally planned and receive new orders and recommendations. After passing all the starting stages, you can start scaling the company. The main challenges for a business appear at the stage of scaling from 20 to 70 people.

Many companies are struggling to keep up with this growth and either return to 20 developers or stop working. You must be prepared for the fact that if you see your company as a successful one, then expanding the headquarters is an important point.


Anyone who cares about quick entry to the IT market with the product which works simultaneously on both mobile development platforms is already actively developing using cross-platform solutions.

In 2020, the trend will not change, and more and more companies will use cross-platform mobile apps to React Native. Thus, one codebase will undoubtedly affect all aspects of application development to the extent of reducing the number of developers required, allowing the company to save money that is usually spent fixing and updating two separate codebases.

A significant portion of the initial saved project budget can be spent on further improving the development company in accordance with user feedback. As a result, cross-platform mobile app development achieves its goals in a balanced way, both in terms of price, and in terms of time, complexity and user experience. Thanks for reading the article ‘How To Setup a React Native Development Company’. Hope that it was useful and interesting for you!

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