Lenovo India has announced that the ‘Made to Order’ service will now be available for its ThinkPad series laptops in India. The users will be able to customize the laptop as per their own needs and requirements. This ‘Made to Order’ service is expected to be launched for other laptop series like IdeaPad consumer devices, premium Yoga models and Legion series for gamers, by the end of this year.
Rahul Agarwal, CEO and MD, Lenovo India said,” At Lenovo, we understand that in today’s world every individual uses & laptop differently because of which there has been a growing demand for personalised laptops, which cater to specific needs. The launch of this service is a big step in our journey to becoming a truly customer-centric company and will prove to be a compelling proposition for our direct e-commerce business on lenovo.com.”
This service will allow users to customize their ThinkPad laptops through the Lenovo website and choose from a variety of configurations. The customisations include CPU- AMD/Intel, Storage- Standard Hard Disk/High-Speed SSD, Graphics- Standard built-in graphics/Dedicated Graphics AMD/Nvidia, Screen, Pre-installed software, Accessories and Option for Premier Support.
The website will display a message if any incompatibilities are found between the chosen options. The delivery of the product is claimed to be done to the customer’s doorstep within two weeks. Shipping is free and certain models offer some discount with coupon codes.