OnePlus has launched its new device Oneplus 3t in India, which is a successor to its previous phone which was oneplus 3. They have updated some really great specs this time with very minimal change in Price. The OnePlus 3T this time is priced at Rs. 29,999 which is for 64GB inbuilt storage model whereas when we come to 128Gig model it is pretty high price and will be available for Rs. 34,999. Both variant of OnePlus 3T will be exclusively available on Amazon India – from 12.01am IST on December 14 and you can also experience it, in different experience zones which arr there in different part of country.
The OnePlus 3Tin India will be available in two different colors Graphite and Gold. Graphite one seems to look little bit dark from its previous model which was Oneplus 3 (Review) . But still both of them looks great. Both the Devices from oneplus is Same only oneplus 3t has a little bit better and high end specs.
The biggest differences between OnePlus 3T and OnePlus 3Â (3D View) is a higher resolution front camera, a larger capacity battery, and increased storage.
(Also see: OnePlus 3TÂ Specs)
The dual-SIM (Nano-SIM) OnePlus 3T features a coating of anodised aluminium, a fingerprint sensor which sits in home button, and a Alert Slider which is very usefull in most of the cases. OnePlus 3t runs on the same UI which is OxygenOS-based on Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow and is soon going to be updated. The devices fits up with sports a 5.5-inch FHDÂ AMOLED display with Corning Gorilla Glass 4 on top of it for extra amount of protection. The best possible processor is being used in the phone which is Snapdragon 821. One more thing the processor is coupled with 6GB of LPDDR4 RAM, which makes this phones the fastest phone in the market till now.
The OnePlus 3T features a 16-megapixel rear camera as well as 16-megapixel resolution and which comes up from Samsung 3P8SP.
OnePlus 3T is powered by a 3400mAh battery that also supports Dash Charge (5V 4A) fast charging technology, which makes this device to charge fastest in the world.