Hey guys back with a amazing setup guide and review of the Oneplus Cardboard which was launch Last week in India and i just recieved it yesterday. It is basically a copy of a google cardboard if you don’t know what exactly it is, basically a virtual reality headset from which you can play your phone with and obviously is made of cardboard, when we make it out from the box it comes with the never settle logo which is the main moto of the company a way to create hype.
It comes with Velcro on it sides and some kind of touch sensitive padding on the top and somekind of lenses fixed from where we are going to see out headset.
The Cardboard has been especially designed for the OnePlus One, but it is also compatible with devices up to 6 inch screen size. It meets Cardboard 2.0 features along with few more improvements like 20 percent smaller than Google’s Cardboard, but offers the same amazing visual experience.
For navigating or making selections inside VR apps, Google Cardboard has a magnetic button the side. On OnePlus’ headset however there is an indent on the top-right corner that can be pressed to make selections. One thing missing however is a strap for your head, which would have helped free your hands. Currently, you need to hold the headset to your face as long as you are using it.
As for the apps, OnePlus has yet to release its own app that will host the launch event. In the meantime though, there are quite a few apps you can try out including the Google Cardboard app. The overall app experience is still quite good, and despite using a flagship smartphone, they are full with lags. This is however more to do with the software themselves, rather than the headset. OnePlus then has created quite a decent headset, especially when you consider how ridiculously cheap it is. It may not be perfect, but virtual reality as a concept has a long way to go. While OnePlus’ intentions are for people to use it for the launch event.
Once you receive your Cardboard
To get the best out of your OnePlus Cardboard, we highly recommend that you calibrate your phone with our “Official Viewing Profile QR Code” given below which works hand-in-hand with the original specs of the cardboard. These settings are made to provide the best viewing with our stock software, and have been tweaked by our staff.
Because everyone’s eyes are a little different, and some of our users use custom software, not everyone might find the stock viewing profile which we have provided above to their liking. In this case, we encourage users to make their own custom profiles by clicking on the following link – Viewer Profile Generator.
One last thing, if you are running custom software and seeing double, we have found that changing your DPI to 400 may help mitigate issues.
VR App for the launch of the OnePlus 2 – Coming Soon