Phonup, a joint venture between Franchise India and Phonup Italy ( launched its first store in Karnataka, Bengaluru on 20th April 2018. The store will be “one step destination” for all mobile phone solutions. It offers the widest range of new and certified pre-owned smartphones and tablets from leading brands such as Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi Mi, One plus, Motorola, Lenovo and many more brands under one roof.
Phonup is the brand which will provide you with a new second-hand phone with 12 months warranty and customization. You can easily purchase a new second-hand phone for very less price. Every Pre-owned phone from phonup goes through extensive 40+ quality checks before being rolled out to the customers. The phones for repair gets handpicked from customer’s home.
Phonup is committed to improving the sustainability of the high technology frontier both for collection and reuse as a Pre-owned smartphone is a smartphone less to dispose of. Phonup professional repair is one of the biggest strengths in a business without suspicion where the devices have to shorten their life cycle. It provides a premium range of accessories like earphones, charger, data cables and power banks with a replacement warranty.
Gerardo Taglianetti, CEO, Phonup Italy, said, “The mobile repair market in India is largely unorganized and people find it hard to get reliable repairing solutions at an affordable cost. Phonup will be a game changer in this category offering process driven, world-class repair to the Indian customers and additional services like extended warranty packages, accessories, repairs and technical training.”
Just in a few months of its launch, Phonup is currently on a fast expansion mode across India via the franchise model. A Franchisee can opt to have a Unit, Kiosk or Multi Brand Franchisee. Swan Enterprises is the master franchise in Bengaluru, which is expected to have about 120 franchise stores in the next couple of years.