The kick-off season 10 for Pubg Mobile will start from November 9 onwards. With the start of the new season, the Pubg Mobile is all set to receive a new update. The new update comes with new items, missions, and even a new character. The new update will also launch a new map called “The Ruins” that looks heavily inspired by the existing Sanhok map. However, “The Ruins” will only be available in the Team Deathmatch mode of EvoGround.
The news Map is currently present on the beta build of PUB G Mobile and was tested by the official PUBG Mobile India Twitter Handle. It was clearly mentioned in the tweet that the new mode is only available in the Team Deathmatch mode. The tweet also contains the image that shows the image of the new MAP that looks a lot like Sanhok MAP.
The PUBG Mobile gameplay video following the 0.15.5 beta update suggests that the new MAP will be much larger than the existing Warehouse map in the Team Deathmatch mode. The MAP seems to have:
- multiple respawn points
- distinctively maze-like structure with basements, pillars, and staircases scattered across the landscape.
No doubt the “Ruins” Map will make the combat experience more challenging. Along with the New Map, the Season 10 is also set to introduce a new sub machine gun called MP5K that will fire 9mm rounds. The upcoming update will also introduce a new in-game character called Sara who will come with a unique ability to reinforce vehicles and reduce the damage taken by them.
The new map and other features will make its way to PUBG Mobile with the 0.15.5 update that will most probably be rolled out on November 8.