The upcoming arrivals from the Chinese smartphone manufacturer, Xiaomi has been in the talks lately. The devices Redmi K20 and Redmi K20 Pro are expected to launch on 17th July in India. Xiaomi today has announced that the smartphones will be available for pre-booking via an ‘Alpha Sale’.
The Alpha Sale for the devices will start on 12th July from 12 Noon on and Flipkart. This sale will allow users to pre-book a unit by paying a nominal booking fee amount of Rs. 855. A coupon will be generated through the Alpha Sale that can be redeemed in the first sale of the device only. If the coupon is not redeemed in the first sale for the devices, the booking fee amount will be refunded back to the respective account. On the other hand, Flipkart users will be able to use the coupon for other purchases worth Rs. 855. Basically, the Alpha Sale ensures that you will definitely be able to purchase the Redmi K20 or K20 Pro during the first sale.
There has been no news as to when the devices will go on sale in India. The company says that the date for the first sale event will be announced suring the launch event taking place on 17th July, 2019. Looking at the smartphones, the internal specifications of the devices looks good on the paper. The Redmi K20 Pro has flagship level specs with the powerful Snapdragon 855 SoC paired with up to 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of internal storage. The Redmi K20, slightly lower version, features the Snapdragon 730 SoC. A limited Avengers edition of the Redmi K20 Pro might also be revealed at the event.