Wind the clock back several years and the thought of a business putting together their own website would be well and truly out of the question. In fact, some might even suggest that it was an obstacle for the small start-up – who required a website to get things off the ground.
To say that the situation has been turned on its head would be a gross understatement. Now, you don’t have to have any development knowledge in the slightest to get things going – there are umpteen tools out there which are completely designed for non-techies.
Bearing this in mind, let’s take a look at the rise of the DIY business website and just how much easier modern business owners now have it.
Traditional website builders
Let’s start with the first major development; traditional website builders. Sure, these have now been around for years, but it would certainly be fair to say that they have come by leaps and bounds over recent times.
At first, they were clunky, basic and pretty unpredictable. Now, you only have to take a look at something like the Webeden website builder to see how far they have come. They can be customized more than ever before, and in short, they don’t look like a website bought off the shelf.
Most of them don’t even allow the website owners to do any coding themselves, everything is plug n’ play so to speak.
The progression of WordPress and similar CMS platforms
Next on the list is WordPress and CMS platforms of a similar ilk. We’ve honed in on WordPress here, mainly due to its reputation in the game, but in truth, there are countless similar platforms.
This falls into a much different category to the traditional website builder we looked at – even if the output is the same. WordPress generally does require some set-up and customization, and most people want to tweak a little code to get it functioning exactly how they desire.
However, it would be fair to say that it has become much more hands-off since its debut back in 2003. Back then, it was just a blogging platform, now templates have been released for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Again, some technical knowledge is needed, but the point we’re trying to make is that this is significantly less than what it previously was.
Built-in SEO is now a priority
Perhaps one of the most surprising, yet impressive, developments has been in relation to SEO. Once upon a time, it wasn’t thought of by small businesses – or they simply couldn’t afford the high fees that online marketing agencies charge.
Now, a lot of the features are built-in to these platforms. When a new page is added, it is optimized accordingly. Redundant pages are given non-index tags and in short, there has been a sincere effort to make these DIY websites as easy as possible to digest for the major search engine robots that are crawling the web.