Sony India has launched their new high-speed SD card series for 4K video and DSLR camera. The new SG-G series SD cards are class 10 SD card, which offers speed up to 300MB/s in reading and 299MB/s in writing. The SD cards are compatible to record 4k video on the go. With the new data transferring speed the SD card is perfect for a 4K video shoot for compatible comers.
The SD card also features an Ultra-High Speed Class 3 rating, which amplifies speed to improve the quality of the pictures and videos. The SD card also features the Sony File Rescue software, which is the first in the world to support 3D movies and photos. The software also allows people to recover accidently removed pictures and videos.
The SD card is also packed with high protection with moulded resin, which made the memory card extraordinarily durable, shockproof and buoyant to temperatures.
Different versions:
Model | MRP | Availability | Warranty |
SF-G32/T1 IN | Rs.6,700 | 3rd April 2017 | 5 years |
SF-G64/T1 IN | Rs.11,000 | 3rd April 2017 | 5 years |
SF-G128/T1 IN | Rs.19,900 | 3rd April 2017 | 5 years |
MRW-S1/T1 IN | Rs.2,300 | 3rd April 2017 | 1 year |
Specification sheet:
Memory Size | 32GB | 64GB | 128GB |
Usable Capacity (Approx.) | 28.8GB(30,923,764,224 Byte) | 57.6GB (61,847,528,960 Byte) | 115.2GB (123,695,057,920Byte) |
SD Interface | UHS-II (HD312) | UHS-II (HD312) | UHS-II (HD312) |
SD Format | SDHC | SDXC | SDXC |
Bus Interface | UHS-II | UHS-II | UHS-II |
Speed Class | Class 10 (SD Speed Class) | Class 10 (SD Speed Class) | Class 10 (SD Speed Class) |
Class 3 (UHS Speed Class) | Class 3 (UHS Speed Class) | Class 3 (UHS Speed Class) | |
Actual Speed | UHS-II (HD312): Read:300MBs, Write: 299MBs | UHS-II (HD312): Read:300MBs, Write: 299MBs | UHS-II (HD312): Read:300MBs, Write: 299MBs |
UHS-I (SDR104): Read: 95MB/s, Write:90MBs | UHS-I (SDR104): Read: 95MB/s, Write:90MBs | UHS-I (SDR104): Read: 95MB/s, Write:90MBs | |
COLOR | Black (Media Body) | Black (Media Body) | Black (Media Body) |
Yellow (Write Protect Switch) | Yellow (Write Protect Switch) | Yellow (Write Protect Switch) | |
Dimension (Approx. W x L x T) | 24 x 32 x 2.1 mm | 24 x 32 x 2.1 mm | 24 x 32 x 2.1 mm |
Weights (Approx.) | 2g | 2g | 2g |
Services Support Period | 5years | 5years | 5years |
That’s all for this guys, stay tuned for more update and please subscribe to our YouTube channel for more awesome video and update.