HomeReviewsApps & SoftwaresTop 5 Mobile App Marketing Tips for your Next Business App

Top 5 Mobile App Marketing Tips for your Next Business App

It is a well-known fact that Google Play and iTunes both witness the presence of million apps in different categories. Hence, the need arises for a mobile app to stand out in the ocean of apps to register its success. Though there are different paid app marketing methods, but it is not a viable option for every app owner to go for the paid app optimization to amplify download score. In fact, the app iteration and making it ideal for the market should be prioritized initially, instead marketing an app. Befitting an app according to the users’ requirements would be a wise move for higher UA (User Acquisition).

Let’s confabulate the ideal methodology for practicing the inbound mobile app marketing with the below-given points:

1. Word Of Mouth Marketing

The very first step of inbound marketing is locating the right target audience to make sure that the people whom you are going to approach will take an interest in your app. Spreading the information about your app using the word-of-mouth is a vital thing to do while marketing your app. Even in the testing phase, you can invite your friends and colleagues to use the app and provide their feedback regarding its functioning. Such an action will definitely let you know about the UX of the app and flaws/ bugs (if any) closely. If your friends find your app interesting, they will surely promote your app among others, which is always a win-win situation for you.

2. Mark Your App’s Presence On Social Media

As we all know, social media has evolved as one of the strongest mediums for communicating with the target audience with a personalized approach. It is a must-do thing for a company to create the pages on different social media platforms for marketing its mobile app. Channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. have got the potential of publicizing your app, if managed properly. Being involved in updating your social media pages with the interesting information about your app results in intensifying the app downloads. Creating an app-focused specific page is always a better move rather than updating your app’s info on the existing company page.

3. Locate The Platform To Perform Your Marketing Endeavors

Making your app distinguished from other similar apps in the same category on an app store is not a duck soup. Secure a strong web presence for your app, thereby figuring out a core destination on the web becomes essential for you. If your business already has an official website, then you can add an app section to it. On the other hand, for carving the standalone identity of your app, you need to create a dedicated website for your app. Registering a domain with your app’s name as ‘prefix’ or ‘suffix’ is always a smart move.

4. Fuel Your App Info With Interesting Content

After the selection of an appropriate app destination, now producing the interesting and relevant content is the next step to take. Accentuate the content with the USP of your app and fill the destination keeping the attractive layout in your mind. For example, if your app is related to taxi booking services, then you can provide a car race game for the kids on your website along with the information about the famous destinations within your city. Writing blogs, articles, etc. is not all when it comes to content development. Information curation has become the most significant part of the content strategies presently. Providing the useful information to the visitors along with your app details can bring success to your app.

5. People Just Love Watching Videos

There is no better way than a video for explaining the functionality of your app. Short videos that include the demo of your app are literally the boon for your app marketing campaign. A video featuring the app’s functions is embraced by the users if they find your app relevant. It is not necessary that a demo video of an app appears boring. You can jazz up your app’s video with some exciting elements to allure the users. Don’t let your forehead shrink if the video shared by you is not going viral. Getting a feasible number of views and shares can also do the trick for you.


The above-discussed techniques of inbound mobile app marketing are quite effective to make your app noticeable among the users. This is the best information I was having regarding such techniques. It would be a pleasure to get more info from you in the comment section given below. I just love having the feedbacks from the readers and taking the required action promptly.

Ritu Singh
Ritu Singhhttp://www.bettergraph.com/
Ritu Singh is an SEO specialist working at BetterGraph for many years. She has shared valuable efforts in deploying the innovative ideas in the arenas of latest seo services, mobile SEO, ASO, online reputation management, and many others. She has also written numerous blogs and articles that have become a source of significant information for professionals from all around the world.

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