Today, Vivo has launched the smartphone in Indian, the Vivo Nex. The so-called device has been in the news for a quite a lot, obviously for its 91% screen to body ration display, that turns out to be one of the cool looking bezel-less smartphones. The company has made some impressive modifications like a hidden camera, and a vibration speaker. Everything combined and you get an immersive 6.59-inch AMOLED display.
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The device is powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 845 chipset, featuring quad 2.8 GHz Kryo 385 & quad 1.8 GHz Kryo 385 CPU, it is also backed by an Adreno 630 GPU and 8 GB of RAM. The device comes with a 128 and 256 GB of internal storage option, with no external memory card support at all.
Coming to the camera, it has 12+5 MP rear camera with a f/1.8 aperture and an 8 MP front camera with an f/2 aperture. The device has a Sony IMX363 Exmor RS CMOS sensor featuring PDAF and PDAF dual pixel, Optical image stabilisation. The one of the key attraction of the phone is the pop-up selfie camera, which is only coming up when one opts for the selfie mode. The pop-up camera has been intentionally put there to achieve the almost bezel-less display that we all are looking at.
So far, the device comes with 4G VoLTE technology that boosts up to LTE Cat 18 network, which is capable of delivering almost 1 Gb/s of speed. It also has Bluetooth 5.0 and USB type-C v2.0. Surprisingly we still have a 3.5 mm headphone jack, which is quite rare to see in a high-end smartphone these days. The device also supports a WiFi ac Network on 5GHz frequency giving a high-speed WiFi connectivity and comes with an impressive 4000 mAh battery.
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The one of the most attractive thing about the phone is not just the pop-up camera but also the under-display fingerprint sensor, which works as fast as any normal fingerprint sensor but it looks awesome when you put your thumb on the display and it unlocks.