HomeTips & TricksA Complete Guide To Handling Different Payments With Your Shopify POS System

A Complete Guide To Handling Different Payments With Your Shopify POS System

Once you have added the items the customer has purchased to the Shopify POS Cart, you have to choose the payment method the customer wants to use to pay for the purchase. Shopify POS System lets you choose from multiple payment options.


The Payment for the Purchase

On the Cart screen, tap the charge button to bring up the Select Payment dialogue. It shows several options:

  • Card
  • External Credit
  • External Debit
  • Cash
  • Store Credit
  • Gift Card

You can only use those payment methods that have been enabled in the ‘Payment Types’ settings.

To Accept Payments

Tap the Charge button on the Cart screen to bring up the Select Payment dialogue. If a card reader is connected to your POS System, then the Credit/Debit Dialog shows up by default. You will have to tap the Back button to go back to the Payment Selection screen for a different payment method.

Shopify POS System

Cash Payment

  • To accept cash payment, tap the Cash option from the Payment methods shown
  • The total amount for the order is displayed automatically
  • Accept the cash payment from the customer,
  • In case the customer is only paying a partial amount by cash, modify the amount by
    • Selecting from the recommended amounts shown below the Cash field
    • To see the keyboard, tap the ash textbox. Type in the right amount
  • Tap Done

Card Payment

You can accept debit or credit cards, and swipe cards, tap or chip cards. You can use the connected card reader, external card terminal, or manually enter card details.

When you tap Charge on the Checkout screen, the Credit/Debit Dialog pops up automatically if you have a card reader connected. If not, you can choose Credit from the payment methods screen to bring up this dialogue.

Shopify POS System

Swipe Card

  • For Swipe card, you can swipe the customer’s card in the card reader as shown in the image on the screen
  • The card details appear on the screen
  • The customer authorizes the payment with a signature or by entering the card PIN depending on the type of card and the type of card reader
  • The amount entered is charged to the customer card automatically

Tap and Chip Cards

If you are using a Tap, Chip, and Swipe Card Reader, you can accept contactless cards, chip cards and integrate apple pay or Android Pay for payment.

Tap Credit Card

For contactless payment, the contactless card or payment device has to be held near the card reader (2.5 cm). Wait until the four green lights light up to signal successful payment.

Chip Card

For chip card

  • Insert the chip card in the card reader, and follow the instructions
  • The customer will mostly need to enter the PIN for the card to authorise the charge on the card

For the above payment methods, wait until Shopify POS shows a payment approved message, then the transaction is complete.

External Card Payment

Choose External Credit or External Debit only if you are using an external card terminal, and an unsupported third-party card processor. Shopify plays no part in the payment processing in these scenarios.

  • From the Payment methods, tap External Credit or External Debit
  • For credit cards, tap the type of card being processed
  • Ensure that the card payment has been successfully processed by the external card terminal, then tap Charge

Manual Entry Credit Card Payment

If you do not have a card reader connected to the POS System or if there is a problem with using the reader, you have the option of manually entering the card details

  • Select Credit from the Payment method,
  • Type in the card details
  • Tap Done to confirm the card details
  • Tap Charge to process the card payment

Gift Card Payment

If you are on Shopify Plan or above, you can accept gift cards for payment.

  • From the payment methods dialog, choose Gift Card
  • You can enter the card details in three ways:
    • Enter the card details manually
    • Snap a picture of the card’s barcode with the front-facing camera on the iPad. Hold the card at a distance of 10 to 15 inches from the iPad while taking the picture
    • Use a 2D barcode scanner to read the barcode
  • Tap Redeem

Custom Payment

You can set up Shopify POS to accept custom payment methods like Cheque. These custom payment options will appear in the payment options dialog. To accept a custom payment:

  • Select the appropriate custom payment method from the payment methods dialog
  • Tap Charge

Collect Signature

You can get a customer’s signature when she signs to authorize a card payment. This is stored for later reference:

Shopify POS System
  • Ask the customer to sign her name in the signature box on your iPad
  • She can use a stylus or her finger
  • If the customer feels the signature did not come out right, tap Clear Signature and then ask her to try again
  • Once the customer is satisfied with the signature, tap Submit Signature
  • After the payment has been authorized, the customer is courteously requested to return the iPad
  • The customer’s signature can be located on the Shopify admin dashboard in the Timeline section of the order history page.

Best Payment Option in Shopify POS System?

With Shopify POS System, there is complete flexibility in payment options. The customer can even choose to make partial payments and use multiple payment methods for a single transaction. You can mark the payments as partial payments, tap the Add Payment button to add a second or even a third payment method to complete the order.

Whichever payment method is used, when you are ready to complete the order, choose whether the customer receives a receipt, and then tap Complete Order, to complete the transaction and go back to the products screen.

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