Noida police are now going to take strict action in the fight with Coronavirus. The government of India has recently developed a mobile application named Aarogya Setu to connect essential health services with the people of India in our combined fight against COVID-19. Every smartphone user in India was directed to install this application on their smartphone. However, it turned out that many people didn’t take it seriously. Authorities have advised that citizen residing at Noida and Greater Noida will be fined or jailed if they don’t have this contact tracing app on their smartphones. Not only this, but the order also applies to even those who are entering the city.
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Akhilesh Kumar, DCP Law, and Order said that people with a smartphone who do not have Aarogya Setu application can be registered under Section 188 of the IPC. It will then be in the hands of the judicial magistrate, who will decide if the person will be tried, fined, or left with a warning. He further added that if a person instantly downloads the application, then the police will let them go, but even after repeated warnings the person doesn’t download the app then strict action might be taken against that person.
As per Section 188 of the IPC, disobedience to an order duly promulgated by a public servant lead to imprisonment for up to 6 months, or the guilty is fined up to Rs 1000.
The police are going to conduct checks at borders, market areas some other areas where they are out on patrol duty. If they find any person without the app on their smartphone, they will ask them to download the app. Police will be willingly offering hotspots so that the people can download the application there and then and if there are other issues such as lack of phone storage, the officer said they will take the person’s phone number and call to check whether they have downloaded it.
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Seeing this step taken so seriously, we can now understand the importance of the Aarogya Setu app. It is mandatory to have an app if you are employed in the private and public sectors and if you are attending offices. The government of India is doing its best to fight against Covid-19, but all it requires is our co-operation.