Twitter has been in the news for at least the last 14 days when Elon Musk was seen making attempts to become a board member and later occupying the company itself. And as usual, this Elon Musk Twitter Deal has been a backlash to this move by a lot of “blue tick people”.
What is Twitter?

The story of Elon Musk acquiring Twitter definitely takes an interesting turn every other day but to begin with let’s see what Twitter is all about. It was founded by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in March 2006. By 2019, Twitter gained almost 300 million monthly active users.
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It’s a micro-blogging platform and a social networking service where people from all over the globe can interact with each other.
Elon Musk Twitter Deal
On the 25th of April, 2022, Elon Musk shelled out $ 44 Billion to buy Twitter from its board of directors. Elon is currently the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla and one of his strongest strengths amongst many is brand building.
Elon seemed determined when he started buying the majority of shares of Twitter during his initial acquisition journey. With this buyout, Elon intends to make the company private and pursue his vision based on the collective feedback from the people living in different countries.
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“Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated,” Mr Musk said in a statement announcing the deal.
Will Elon Musk delete Twitter?
Definitely Not! Elon seems to have big aspirations and dreams from Twitter as per his tweets which he actively takes part in. He has been clearing out a lot of queries and doubts regarding the whole acquisition and what his ambitions and dreams are when it comes to Twitter.
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He’s most certainly going to bring out major changes in the whole platform but we can’t comment on it until it has been finalized officially.
Original Owners of Twitter
Jack Dorsey for the most part handles the reins of Twitter and leads the company in his own creative manner. On November 29, 2021, Jack decided to step down from his role as the CEO of the company, and Parag Agrawal was selected as the new man in command.
Jack has served 2 terms as CEO of Twitter, whereas Evan Williams and Dick Costolo have served 1 term each.
Elon’s Net Worth after acquiring Twitter
A lot of market fluctuations were observed once the news about the $ 44 Billion deal went viral. A lot of shareholders seemed disappointed when Elon took this bold move so Tesla’s share value dropped steeply for a while.
Elon still remains the richest person on the planet with a net worth of approximately $ 240 Billion.
Will Donald Trump be back on Twitter along with other blocked accounts? And What is this Free Speech Elon keeps talking about?
It depends. Things are ambiguous for now and a lot can be predicted and said. We should wait for finer details that we will be knowing through the company’s official press releases. But, things could edge towards that side as Elon strongly believes that people should be able to convey things freely.
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But he does mention that free speech should match the law. And if people want less free speech, they should ask the government to pass laws in order to achieve that.
Elon Musk’s plans for the Future of Twitter
As per the latest tweet when this post was being compiled, Elon posted a tweet that says, “For Twitter to deserve public trust, it must be politically neutral, which effectively means upsetting the far right and the far left equally.”
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He wants to improve the existing algorithm for Twitter and make it open source. He wants to bring additional new features to build more trust, wage a fight against spam bots and ensure that all the humans are authenticated on Twitter. He believes that Twitter holds a lot of potentials and he will be working with the company and the users to unlock it.
What’s Next? Will Elon Musk Buy Coca-Cola as well?
As per Elon Musk’s recent tweet, he said that “Next I’m buying Coca-Cola to put the cocaine back in” as per its Elon Musk Twitter Account.
What do you think is it a joke or he is serious about it?
FAQ about Elon Musk Twitter Deal
When did elon musk owns twitter?
On the 25th of April, 2022, Elon Musk buy Twitter and become a new owner
How much did Elon Musk buy Twitter for?
Elon Musk buy Twitter for $44 Billion dollars.
Who owned Twitter before Elon musk?
Jack Dorsey for the most part handles the reins of Twitter and leads the company in his own creative manner.
Is Elon musk deleting twitter?
No, Elon Musk has no plans for deleting Twitter.
Why did Elon musk buy Twitter?
Elon Musk buys Twitter to protect freedom of expression and wants to promote Free speech.
Elon Musk’s net worth after Twitter bought?
Elon still remains the richest person on the planet even after spending $44 billion dollars to buy Twitter and Elon Musk net worth after Twitter was bought would be approximately $240 Billion.
Will trump back on Twitter after musk bought twitter?
No News Yet, But things could edge towards that side as Elon strongly believes that people should be able to convey things freely.
What does “free speech” mean to Elon Musk?
Elon Musk mentions that free speech should match the law. And if people want less free speech, they should ask the government to pass laws in order to achieve that.
What is Musk Twitter plans for future?
Elon posted a tweet that says, “For Twitter to deserve public trust, it must be politically neutral, which effectively means upsetting the far right and the far left equally.” He wants to improve the existing algorithm for Twitter and make it open source.
Will Elon Musk buy Coca Cola Company as well?
Currently, he says about buying Coca Cola and adding cocaine to it, but some people say it’s a joke and some are taking it seriously. As per the history of Elon Musk, we never know what he can do.