Distinguished Recent research led by IIT-Delhi Cadence Chair Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Automation Tapan K. Gandhi and his colleagues established unequivocally that Poker and Rummy are games of skill. The significance of cognitive and other abilities necessary for success in Poker and Rummy is reaffirmed in “Online Poker and Rummy- Game of Skill or Chance?” There was also an examination of how a player’s level of experience and their capacity to acquire new abilities affect their performance throughout the course of a career in the sport by IIT-Delhi.
Commenting on the report, Tapan K. Gandhi, Associate Professor in the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Cadence Chair Professor of AI and Automation, IIT-Delhi said,” In light of the widespread debates over the morality of online gaming and the widespread prejudice against it, this in-depth research sought to determine whether or not the emphasis of the game was on talent or chance.
Throughout our investigation, we came across convincing examples demonstrating that these games do, in fact, call for a certain degree of natural awareness that helped develop the players’ mental faculties. We found that the players’ non-technical abilities improved as they continued to play regularly, including their ability to read and respond to social signals, make quick judgments, and retain information in stressful settings.”
“Our study, “Online Poker and Rummy: Game of Skill or Chance?,” will dispel the old wives’ tale that these games are purely a matter of chance and instead highlight the importance of skill.” Added Tapan Gandhi.
Deepak Dhayanithy, Associate Professor, Strategic Management, “With regards to online card games like Poker and Rummy, the study leaves little room for doubt: talent, not chance, is the driving factor behind long-term success,” said IIM Kozhikode, who was important in releasing an earlier paper certifying Poker as game of skill.
Winning percentages and skill factors show non-linear tendencies that can’t be explained by chance alone. Like other sports like Cricket, Golf, etc., where players rise to the challenge, talent is king in both online and offline play, limiting unpredictability. The findings confirm the importance of talent and deepen our knowledge of mental power in competitive gaming.”
The IIT-Delhi research uses mathematical techniques to give a quantitative measure of whether or not talent is a significant factor in the long-term performance in online poker and rummy. Larger datasets of users who have played 30–100 games in 2-player, 3-player, and 6-player forms were analyzed. The results showed that in both poker and rummy, players’ skill levels increased with continued practice.
In addition, a positive correlation of 0.904 was found between users’ win rates, further highlighting the importance of expertise over time. This exemplifies the superiority of expertise over random chance in determining long-term results. The consistent success percentages show how learning the intricacies and methods of the game may greatly improve one’s results. A high correlation like this shows that players who put in the time and effort to learn the game’s nuances will be rewarded with a greater victory percentage over time.
According to the results,
- talent is more important than luck in rummy and poker, regardless of whether you play it online or in a brick-and-mortar establishment.
- skill online is equivalent to skill offline.