HomeTips & TricksLaptop Buying 101: Timeless Rules for Choosing an Ideal Laptop

Laptop Buying 101: Timeless Rules for Choosing an Ideal Laptop

Some people believe that buying a laptop is as easy as walking into a store, pointing your finger in a random direction and saying: “Give me that white one with a funny logo on it.” In reality, this kind of a move would be nothing but a gamble, and you would either overpay for the device or get something completely useless. This is why there are a few simple rules you need to know about choosing the right laptop for your needs. Here are some tips and tricks.

Mac or PC

Mac or PC
via reviversoft.com

The question of should you go for Mac or PC is not an easy one to answer. In fact, it would be safe to assume that it is a question without a definitive answer. After a brief Google search, you will find lists claiming that Mac is clearly superior, as well as those stating that PC is a much better option. What you need to know about these two platforms is that they are essentially different and most of these differences are purely aesthetical. However, it is not always just about the appearance. For example, it is a known fact that most designers usually turn to Mac, claiming that it is “the best platform for design.” On the other hand, if what you have in mind is playing video games, PC is the only viable choice.

Size of the Screen

Size of the screen is something people usually don’t put enough thought into, but it is a vital feature of any laptop. This is why believing that size doesn’t matter is one of the greatest mistakes when buying a laptop. When buying a desktop, you can easily just get a larger monitor when you feel like it (or once your finances allow it). Now, it is true that you can also plug in your laptop to a monitor, but this really defeats the point. It goes without saying that laptops with 17 to 18 inches’ screens have higher resolution and better overall picture quality , but they are impractical to carry around. On the other hand, you don’t want the screen smaller than 13 inches either, since it can be too cramped. Because of this, 14 or 15 inch models are by far the most popular amongst laptop users worldwide.

Choosing the Brand

Some people get emotionally attached to one brand or another and are unable to think rationally in face of specifications. However, brands are important for a reason. For example, Toshiba parts are bound to perform admirably, and they will last you longer than the components made by some random manufacturer. Still, computer parts are not the only thing you need to pay attention to. There are various other branded accessories like laptop bags, monitor stands, as well as Bluetooth keyboards and mice you can pair your laptop with.

Choosing Specifications

The only thing that determines how good your laptop will be is your budget, since top-notch specifications usually come at a hefty price. Here, you will have to think about things like ssd hard drive, CPU models, RAM memory, Graphics chip and few other less important things. When choosing your laptop specifications, the most important thing you should have in mind is: what are you going to use it for. Naturally, if you want to pair it up with VR device or play latest video games, you will need a powerful Graphics and CPU. Needless to say, this kind of configuration will definitely cost more.
VR device


When it comes to it, there are three major things that will determine your laptop’s quality and performance. The first one is the purpose you have in mind for it (if you need a “Facebook/Netflix machine,” literally anything will do). The second one is the budget you are willing to set aside for the purchase. Finally, it all comes to your personal preference. You need to choose the device you are going to be content with. Everything else is just gravy.

Dan Radak
Dan Radak
Dan Radak is a web hosting security professional with ten years of experience. He is currently working with a number of companies in the field of online security, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies. He is also a coauthor on several technology websites and regular contributor to Technivorz.

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