A lot of people make a mistake believing that money is the answer to all questions. Still, you need to keep in mind that just because a product/service is more expensive, it doesn’t automatically mean that it is better. This is especially true when it comes to hosting services, but seeing how a majority of people knows next to nothing about it, they evaluate the quality of the offer based on the size of a monthly fee. In order to avoid making this mistake, here are a few tips on what to look for in your hosting service provider.
Know Your Needs
First things first, just like there is no such thing as a perfect partner, there is no such thing as a perfect host. One’s man trash is another man’s treasure so you shouldn’t worry too much about the characteristics alone. Instead, you need to investigate how they match your particular needs. Think about the type of website you are about to build and what does it need (Windows applications, WordPress, some special software, etc.). Furthermore, you should also try to estimate your expected traffic. Sure, sometimes you will surpass even your highest expectations, but in order to avoid making a mistake you need to be as optimistic as possible. It is always better to be over- rather than underprepared.
Do You Need SQL Hosting?
Sure, for a common HTML website, the choice of host is not that important. On the other hand, running a database-intensive content on your site can be quite demanding, and may require a special type of hosting. Luckily, there are some great options for web hosting in Australia you can check out. Apart from providing you with high-end database and SQL web hosting, they also look after the maintenance and administration of the site.
Customer Support
To a lot of people their blog/e-store is their main source of income, which is why there is a great concern when something goes wrong. It is understandable that you cannot maintain your website 24/7, but at least make sure that your site doesn’t unexpectedly going down for a prolonged period of time. You see, the competition is so tough that people are more likely to simply look elsewhere for what they need rather than revisit your page later on. This is why you need to know that they have a customer support service that is always available, if you happen to need help. The easiest way to find out about this is to look through the reviews left by some of their previous clients.
Are They Green
A lot of companies put emphasis on being eco-friendly. This is definitely a sensible course of action, one you can only benefit from. Our planet is, and should be our collective concern, which means that all of us must do their part in preserving it. One of the ways to do so is by making sure that your host is green. What this means is that they are using latest technological trends when it comes to their hardware in order to make it consume as little energy as possible. This will also serve as a great branding idea since it will allow you to label your website as “green”.
As you can see, the cost is far from the only factor that you should consider when choosing a host. This, of course, doesn’t mean that you should completely disregard the price, but you should always look for a great price-to-value ratio. Going with big names in this industry doesn’t help either since, as we’ve already stated, what works for others doesn’t necessarily have to work for you. In the end, you need to keep in mind that things may change over the next couple of years/months/weeks, so be ready when they do.