HomeNews & Updates7 Steps to a Prestigious Workplace as a Student!

7 Steps to a Prestigious Workplace as a Student!

Looking for steps to a prestigious workplace as a student? As all students want a great workplace, many say that this is impossible with a first job. However, we know that this isn’t true. All you need is to be aware of some things in order to secure that top vacancy for yourself.


Steps to a Prestigious Workplace as a Student

Step 1: Preparation

Prepare for the interview in advance. Conduct a preliminary investigation. Get acquainted with the company’s products and services in advance. Talk to those who work there or to a staffing consultant. Find out about the percentage of staff turnover, how many years this company has been operating in this market. Yes, and do not forget to find out if there is a profit and what it is. It doesn’t hurt to find out who will be interviewing. 

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Take care of your appearance. Clothing must be flawless in colour and quality. Try to find out in advance what style is accepted in this company: business or free. On the other hand, the more formal you look, the better. But the clothes should clearly correspond to the position you expect to occupy. Let your suit be immediately liked by the president of the company, its employees, and, most importantly, customers. By the way, it does not hurt to know in advance how to get to the company and where to leave the car. Leave the house early.

Step 2: Summary

It is customary to have a resume. This document is half of your success. Make the cover noticeable, bright, impressive. And the content – continuous praise to himself, his beloved. Emphasize your professionalism in the business you are going to do. Highlight the knowledge and skills that this company needs. 

Do not forget to indicate which faculty you graduated from, which courses you took in addition, and attach all possible diplomas. Do you know English? Do you have a good command of computers and accounting? Can you drive a car? All this will only give you extra points!

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But the resume is not all. You will need recommendations from previous jobs. Take documents about basic and additional education, telephone numbers of companies where you have recently worked. Do not forget about the little things: a decent pen and calculator. Do not be surprised: nowadays it is fashionable to conduct many tests, from psychological to mathematical.

Step 3: Enter the Office

Try to come 15 minutes earlier, watch the situation. What does the office look like? How do employees communicate? Were you asked to sit down or left standing at the door? It is possible that the reception already given to you will influence your decision: do you need to work in this company or not. Remember: you are not chosen, you are chosen! 

Be polite and friendly with everyone in the office. Listen carefully to the names and memorize them. Enter the office confidently, do not forget to smile. Say hello, but don’t be the first to shake hands. You should not sit down until you are asked to do so. Clearly and clearly state your name and surname. There should be a calm confidence in your voice. 

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Remember; your name sounds proud! And a nervous, trembling candidate who stutters makes an extremely unpleasant impression. Immediately make it a rule to give information about yourself in detail, deciphering all abbreviations and obscure terms.

Step 4: Trust Is the Key to a Career! 

Try to establish good and warm emotional contact. Show a warm and friendly attitude. Make a few compliments to the firm, the setting. Two main rules: always be yourself and tell the truth and only the truth. Is it a shame to tell the truth? Then just shut up.

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Step 5: Be Yourself in the Interview

Tell us what attracted you to the company, as well as a specific vacancy. Follow the direction of the conversation, which is set by the employer. And listen carefully. Your goal: to demonstrate your competence. Briefly and clearly present information about yourself, your character, skills, positive experience. Before answering the question, think for a couple of seconds: why it is given to you and how to answer it, show only your strengths. In the answers, try to avoid stereotypes and banalities, be unique and interesting.

Step 6: Delicate Questions

Difficult moment: salary discussion. It is unreasonable to be ashamed to call a larger amount. The more the better. As a last resort, indicate the upper and lower limits of the possible salary. Remember: the more the employee asks, the higher, according to the boss, his qualifications … Reaffirm your well-being.

Obviously, you’re a student and your studies will come into conflict with the job. Tell that you’ll prioritize the job while delegating some of that academic load to an essay writing service. This way, you’ll keep up with all your responsibilities.

Workplace as a Student

In general, you should not discuss your personal and financial problems without a special invitation. Don’t forget to ask your own questions along the way. Yes, I can work overtime. And what is overtime? Yes, I can go on a business trip. And what exactly will be the business trip? Let the employer see: you know the price and are responsible for your words.

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Step 7: Summing Up

A good end to the conversation: focus on your great business relationships, emphasize that you have worked in several companies. Along the way, you can release a couple of subtle professional compliments from this company. And do not hesitate to change the direction of communication, joke. Let the employer see that he is not bored, but a normal person. Do not forget to thank the interlocutor for his attention at the end of the interview. Agree on when and how you will learn about the results.

These seven steps to a Prestigious Workplace as a Student. Hope that will help.

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