Sony India just unleashed its latest mid-range model in the hyped “X” series – the Xperia XA1. Rising up to the former XA model, the XA1 is a total beauty with an edge-to-edge screen and a sleek borderless design to go with it. Running on an Octa-core processor, the aim is standard. The camera steals the show with a 23MP high resolution back with a bright F2.0 lens and enhanced low light capability. You are sure not to miss out on candid moments with the apt Hybrid Autofocus and the otherwise very fast response rate on the device. Great selfies will come off an 8MP, 23mm wide angle lens front camera with the simple ‘Hand Shutter’ option further smoothing things.
Appearance wise, the device is a winner with the borderless design and curves at the right places. The screen itself is designed such to produce a sharp viewing experience. Fast speed surfing is well taken care of by the power-proper octa-core processors and battery life is pretty great with the Sony Smart Cleaner swiftly removing clogged caches and unused apps on the go, to speed and refine performance. Xperia Actions is the latest addition to the XA1 that keeps track of your ways on your phone and suggests recommendations and settings for you to make use of. The phone also intends to assist during travels by suggesting locations and language guides. Your movies, songs and pictures are entitled to a 32GB internal memory and a card slot upto 256GB, making sure that you miss nothing. Charging is pretty casual with a Type-C port and a quick UCH12 charger. The XA1 is equipped with Android Nougat from the word GO and 4G VoLTE enabled for hassle-free calling.
The brand new Xperia XA1 is priced at a stable INR19,990 and comes to you in black, white and pink colors at your nearest Sony stores and soon, every other retail outlet too!