Chinese smartphone maker Vivo seems to be hard at work on the follow-up to the recently released Vivo X90 and X90 Pro, which just hit the shelves in India. The Vivo X90S has been spotted on the Google Play Console, revealing its name and a number of its major specs. Even though Vivo hasn’t confirmed it, we may assume that this is the successor to the Vivo X90 because of the upgraded CPU.
The model number V2241A has appeared on the Google Play Console, as first reported by MySmartPrice. According to the listing, the Vivo X90S is powered by MediaTek MT6985, which suggests the presence of the Dimensity 9200 SoC in the next device. The advertised gadget also has an FHD+ display and 12GB of RAM. Android version 13 is the operating system it uses.
The Google Play Console listing also reveals the phone’s appearance, which is very similar to the discontinued Vivo X90. The display is rounded at the edges, and the camera is a hole in the top. It seems that Vivo’s OriginOS is powering the shown software.
Weibo, a Chinese microblogging website, published a leak from Tipster Digital Chat Station speculating that the CPU indicated is the new MediaTek Dimensity 9200+ SoC. Meanwhile, GSMArena suggests that it might just be a refined version of the current chipset running at a faster frequency.
MediaTek’s rumoured new CPU will make its debut on May 10. It’s unclear how this new smartphone will fit in. However, the MediaTek Dimensity 9200+ SoC is widely said to be superior to the Dimensity 9200 SoC found in the recently released Vivo X90 series in India.
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